Digital business cards are gaining widespread acceptance as a cost-effective, eco-friendly, convenient and practical alternative to traditional business cards. If you're unfamiliar with digital business cards and have questions like "What is a digital business card?", "Are digital cards worth it?", or "Which digital business card is the best?", you've come to the right place. We provide all the information you need to know about digital business cards, including the best options like Touch.

What is a Digital Business Card?

A digital business card is a perfect replacement of a traditional paper business card. Most of these cards use NFC or QR technology to share your information with just a tap/scan. It typically includes the same information as a traditional card, such as a person's name, job title, company name, and contact information, but it can also include additional clickable links to website, social media handles and information of your products and services using multimedia handles such as video and images. Digital business cards can be shared easily via text, email, or NFC technology, and can also be easily updated without the need to re-print new cards. They are cost-effective, environment-friendly and interactive. All-in-all, It's a perfect way to make an impression.

How Digital Business Cards work?

Digital business cards can be created and shared using various digital business card apps, each with their unique features. Touch cards, for instance, uses Near Field Communication (NFC) and QR code technologies to enable seamless sharing of digital cards. By simply tapping your Touch cards to another NFC-enabled device, your digital card is immediately shared.

When the connection is successfully established, an audible tone will be heard, indicating that the digital card has been successfully transmitted to the recipient's device.

 Sharing can also be done through QR codes or links sent via text, email, or messaging apps. The use of NFC technology in Touch makes the sharing process straightforward and effortless, enabling recipients with smartphones that have NFC capabilities to easily view and use the digital card without the need for any apps.

Why Use Digital Business Cards?

There are several benefits of using digital business cards, including:

  1. Cost-effectiveness: Digital business cards are much cheaper to produce and distribute than traditional paper cards.
  2. Environmental friendliness: Digital business cards don't require paper or ink, which helps to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.
  3. Flexibility: Digital business cards can be easily updated, so you don't have to worry about re-printing new cards every time you change your contact information.
  4. Interactivity: Digital business cards can include multimedia elements such as videos, images, and links to social media profiles, which can help to make them more engaging and memorable.
  5. Easy sharing: Digital business cards can be shared via text, email, or NFC and QR technology, making it easy to exchange contact information with others.
  6. Analytics: Some digital business cards provide analytics on how many people viewed your card, how many saved it and how many shared it.
  7. CRM Integration: Some digital business card apps come with integration with CRM (Customer Relationship Management), making it easy to get started with a digital transformation.
  8. Virtual brochure: Some apps allow you to showcase your products and services like a virtual brochure or mini website for the business.
  9. User-friendly: The design options are more flexible and have an online design tool which allows you to make your cards of own design. The user interface is crisp and user-friendly.

How to create Digital Business Cards?

The process of creating digital business cards may vary depending on the Card you choose, but the basic steps are usually the same.

For example, if you choose to use Touch cards, the process is as follows:

  1. Download the Touch app and create an account.
  2. Input all the information you want to include on your digital card, such as your name, job title, and contact information. You can also add photos, social media and website links, a virtual brochure to showcase your products and services and other relevant details.
  3. Preview your card and make any necessary changes.

Save your card once you are satisfied with it.

Your digital business card is now ready to be shared!

Bottom Line:

Digital business cards are the future of networking and information exchange. They are not only more convenient and environmentally friendly than traditional paper cards, but they also offer a range of features that make them suitable for businesses of all sizes, such as CRM integrations.

Touch cards is an industry leader in the digital card market, offering a wide range of products and customization options to meet all your business needs and ensure your digital card represents you and your brand in the best possible way.